How to save electricity in the home or in an apartment? Probably not those who have not thought of that. In fact, there is no need to pay more for electricity, if it does not receive any benefits in return.
Let's not forget that, for the current time is a characteristic of the upward trend of the rates of municipal services. If yes, then why not think about how to save money family budget. All the more that it increases the cost of services for the electricity, which is increasing day by day.
Let us not forget that the fact that saving natural resources, you also need to protect the environment. If all of us, we're going to lose a lot of energy, the ecological system of the planet can not support the load.
Surveys have shown that in the countries of Europe, the people want it is to preserve nature in its original form. There, each one individually, you must develop a plan of action. And then, the payment receipts economic considerably less than that amount.
It is IMPORTANT! It is necessary to follow their example. Usually, it is simple, but very effective, methods to save electricity. If you follow these rules of energy savings, you can optimize the cost of paying the utility bills.
Equipment to save energy

If you use special devices, which sell in stores and points of sale in the global network, you can several times to reduce the costs to pay for electricity.
The modern technologies develop so quickly that today, there are already devices that allow to obtain energy savings. These wonders of technology were specially created to reduce utility payments. With these instruments, you can achieve energy savings of 8 to 10 times.
This is one of the most effective measures to reduce the cost of electricity. The bulbs of this type to install in place of the standard bulbs with a regular base. We emphasize that the purchase of energy-saving lamps are more expensive to purchase the standard lamps. However, the means pays for itself quickly. 1-2 months.
The most effective type of energy-saving lamps are LED (leds) or fluorescent lamps. They are linked to conventional lamps with the average of 5-6 times less electricity. Also note that these lamps have a higher luminous efficiency. This results in a considerable energy saving
There is a great reason to replace the lamps in all the rooms. If this is immediately impossible, then it is necessary to replace consistent. It is necessary to begin to have the room in which you are the most spend time.

The purpose of these devices to save electricity, and to convert the reactive power is active. As a result, the power consumption of the electric current from the nominal values of approximately 40 to 50 percent.
Energy saving device, if rationally applied, give the opportunity to avoid the loss of energy that occur in the network. They are also called sensors-for energy savings.
The suppliers of these devices promises that the device offers the possibility to reduce costs. At least 30 percent. However, such an indicator can only occur when properly using the device.
Apply the device to save energy in a blink of an eye. For all of you, it must be plugged into a power outlet and the meter. The central covers the whole of the network in the house.
According to the claims of manufacturers the costs of electricity are lower:
1. Tv, heating, iron, electric stove – up to 45 per cent;
2. Fridge of 40%;
3. Electric kettle, toaster, coffee maker – 30 percent.
Their goal is to reduce the activation or deactivation of lighting in a local software system. The essence of their work, in order to program the deactivation of the light on a certain period of time.
Usually, the tripping time of the device establishes a factory. And on average, this rate is 15 to 20 seconds.
It is IMPORTANT! The switch is triggered, because there are built-in the device to a motion sensor. Note that, often, these instruments have pickups. And they are activated by a certain sound. You can also install the twilight of the switches that react at the beginning of the darkness.
The sensor reacts as soon as it appears the slightest noise or movement, accompanied by a hesitation and noise. When the device is made, the program, and it is configured, so automatic switch can reduce the energy consumption in the room in which it is installed. And it is in average 25 to 30 percent less!
The instruments that help save electricity in a private house

Saving electricity in a private home allow extra soup. About the most common types we now describe.
The people, before the acute problem of energy savings in a private house, first of all, think about the fact that the isolation of space. And in this case, the solar panels can become a kind of a magic wand.
Today, each of us, there is nothing to prevent the collection and use of an independent source of electricity, that runs on solar energy. If to call things in a scientific way, it is photovoltaic panels.
In the composition of solar panels – set of solar cells, that is, photovoltaic. They are directly involved in the transformation of solar energy into electricity. The lion's share of solar cells is made from silicon, and it is known that it is expensive.
To install these constructions, we will have a lot of to pay. However, the purchase, as the saying goes, will repay a hundredfold. And fairly quickly. Pay this equipment is expensive, but the time will come when you will receive a good compensation, because you will have free electricity. To all we repeat, that the solar panels are environmentally friendly an energy source.
In the house, who have a boiler to heat water or for space heating, you can achieve energy savings with the help of a thermostat. The amount of savings may be different. It depends on what type of water heater installed in the house.
It is IMPORTANT! In all cases, the thermostat is good, that you can define the selection function of the temperature. And then, with the temperature, the devices will be disabled. Repay all funds expended for the purchase of the device, usually for a couple of seasons. They have a presentable appearance. They are compact. Can integrate in any interior.
How to save electricity in a private house

In a private home premises and appliances that consume electrical energy, a lot. More on that in a apartment. How to save money in this case? This is not as difficult as it seems at first. We ensure that everyone has many opportunities effortlessly a small amount, which outline the payment.
Then, we present the rules to follow.
If possible, the care of the land hand-made. Power tillers for ploughing of the land, of course, you can uti. But only if all of a sudden has accumulated a lot of work. It is always a good opportunity to make savings of a certain amount of funds.
Heating appliances, type of boilers, it is necessary to install near to sources of supply of resources. This means that it is preferable, when the water heater is situated directly near cranes and boilers in the vicinity of a source of funding to gas.
If you want to buy a lantern for the lighting of the court, choose the ones that operate on solar power. They will give you good savings for the family budget.
To save electricity, you need to perform a quality control in a private home. Because the space is wide enough, it is not excluded from the leakage of electricity through wiring, which is defective.
General recommendations on energy savings

Immediately we emphasize that you can get a substantial reduction in the consumption of electricity, if use the appliances. On special to the account are the devices such as computers, refrigerators, washing machines, electric cookers, of which the high-energy consumption.
You will be able to save electricity, if you purchase a technique class of power consumption A+, A++ and A+++. It should be noted that the economies can achieve, on average, 25 to 35 percent of the total value of the electricity consumption, but this depends on what model of devices you have chosen, and what is the manufacturer.
Always check if the devices power socket. If they are connected at the time, but do not work, this leads to unnecessary consumption of energy. Remember that even the coffee, if it remained connected to a source of energy, increases the kilowatt, which consumes.
If you are not working on a computer or on a portable computer, and then unplug the appliance. Don't forget that even in sleep mode, the device is electro an energy resource. And with a high speed. Studies have shown that the one month's payment for electricity is below. About 15 per cent.
The washing of linen and clothes made only when the machine is loaded fully. It is very important to choose the best program. Then you'll get and the machine washing, and reduce the electricity expenses. In effect, the mode of soaking and washing at a high temperature requires a lot of electricity. Especially to heat the water.
Refrigerator – one of the most powerful appliances in the kitchen among all the appliances the kitchen appliances. And because it has the more it consumes electricity. And because refrigerator requires a special attitude. It should be open by necessity. In fact, when you open the fridge, it's for the cooling takes electrical energy, at least 5 percent more.
It is IMPORTANT! Memorize, and a ruler. If you cook food in the microwave, it is always dépenseras less of that resource, if you cook it the same in the warming room electric stoves.
On leaving, turn out the light! Take this habit, and you'll notice immediate savings.
If you insulate the space in the apartment, it is possible to save a significant amount of money, because it will not be necessary to draw on the heaters.
Correctly use the chargers. In this case, you have necessarily reduced the total energy consumption in an apartment or a house. An average of three to five percent. The methods of saving electricity with units of devices little complicated. In fact, it all boils down to the wisdom to apply them. For example, when the device is fully charged, then it is necessary not to lose time, unplug it from the electrical network.
Each of these methods, you can adopt. Choose what you liked.